Development – Testing in Unity

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I have imported my animated character and tunnel model from Blender into Unity.

I have started to code some of the animation to transition from the characters IDLE state to the RUN state. Including the speed and movement from left to right, and right to left.

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I am now in the process of coding the character so that when she runs back and forth her direction flips to face the correct way.

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After implementing the animation into the character I decided that I wanted the character to walk at a normal pace when the arrow keys are pressed and if you wanted her to run you have to hold down the shift key at the same time. This adds a bit more interactivity into the game and gamifies it by making the player have to put in more effort to make the character run.

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Development – Character Rigging

To rig my character I followed these tutorials:

Rigging was quite a challange as the model in the tutorial that I was learning from is a lot more simpler than mine, therefore I ran into a lot more problems than the tutorial did. Because of this it took me much longer that the length of the videos to complete as I had to keep stopping to figure out what I had done wrong when it didnt work. Overal I think that I have rigged the character pretty successfully. It is not perfect but for the purposes of this the quality will suffice. There will be a few things that I will need to go back and edit as some of the joints are not as seamless as I would like when you move them and I had a little trouble with ‘Weight Painting’ the models parts to its counterpart bones.

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