

For a professional company to produce a game it would be considerably more expensive. The typical salaries for in-house professionals are as listed below. Information gathered from glassdoor.com.

Artist: £32,000 – £34,000

Animator: £31,000 – £34,000

Senior Designer: £39,000 – £43,000

Audio Designer: £27,000 – £29,000

Script Engineer: £29,000 – £31,000

(Taken from the company Rockstar)

The company would also pay for licensing of their products so that no copyright can be infringed. They would pay for all of the licenses for the software to make the game. Unity plus is $35 a month and Unity is $125  a month.


Because this is a personal project for mainly educational purposes Unity is free to download and use. All of the workload for the game is being shared between two people, this minimizes the cost, however, does mean that there will be a lot more work for each of us to cover. Below is our schedule with a rough budget breakdown for each section:

Research and planning: 2 weeks (Week 3 & 4)

Researching the London Underground and its history. Extensive research into the design and architecture and how it has evolved. Research into ‘side-scrolling’ games and other indie games to inspire conceptually and technically. Research into the best software to build and animate characters and create the side scrolling game. Begin to produce a narrative and storyline for the game.

– Travel to and from London £60

– London Transport Museum Ticket £15

Planning and testing: 4 weeks (Week 5, 6, 7, & 8)

Create a script based on the narrative and storyline. Begin character and background scene concept designing. Producing lots of sketches through trial and error to achieve my final visual style and characters. Begin experimenting with the chosen software and practicing games development by producing several drafts and versions. Begin to 3D model the character and practice animating it. Overall experimenting and producing assets to create a segment of the game.

Development: 4 weeks (Week 9, 10, 11 & 12)

Produce the majority of the game to a fully functioning standard, ironing out any problems or initial bugs. Produce branding for the game such as its logo and title sequence. Potentially think about producing a trailer for the game. Implement any sound designed and created by my project partner. Produce more assets to complete the game entirely and work towards the completed final artifact.

Actress expenses (i.e. travel and accommodation) £33

Finalizing and reflection: 3 Weeks including the Easter break (Week 13, 14 & 15)

Finish the final digital media product/artifact. Use the information from my blog to create a digital portfolio containing all relevant documentation from the project including a detailed reflection on the piece. Create a digital press pack for the LSFM degree show. Finally, write a critical evaluation of the finished artifact.

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