Tunnel segments have been reworked so that the extruded lip is a lot smoother. All of them have been imported into substance painter and are now a blank canvas ready to be painted.
Development – Character Rigging
To rig my character I followed these tutorials:
Rigging was quite a challange as the model in the tutorial that I was learning from is a lot more simpler than mine, therefore I ran into a lot more problems than the tutorial did. Because of this it took me much longer that the length of the videos to complete as I had to keep stopping to figure out what I had done wrong when it didnt work. Overal I think that I have rigged the character pretty successfully. It is not perfect but for the purposes of this the quality will suffice. There will be a few things that I will need to go back and edit as some of the joints are not as seamless as I would like when you move them and I had a little trouble with ‘Weight Painting’ the models parts to its counterpart bones.
Development – UV Mapping and Texturing
Before texturing and animating the character I had to UV unwrap my character. This was particularly hard as despite the character being an ultra low poly character, the smart UV project did not work so I had to manually unwrap the character by marking seams over the model. In particular, the hair and skirt were difficult to unwrap.
I then began the process of texturing the character, this may not be the final texture of the model, I will continue to work on it adding more detail to the character however it gives more of an idea what the end result will look like if I rig the character fully textured.
Development – Normals and Modeling
Working in Blender I had to think about the face normals and make sure that they were all facing the right way so that when it came to texture painting, I would paint on the right sides. You can see the direction of the normals by looking at the blue lines protruding from the faces.
I also worked on creating a ‘lip’ on the left-hand side of each of the tube sections, this will help to connect them together and make the painted textures flow more seamlessly.
Development – Character Modelling
Here is my most recent attempt at modeling my character in Blender. I have gone with an extremely low polygon model of a young girl, as I think the idea of a child will make the user feel more sympathy for the character and want to escape the underground. However, I have gone with the low poly style as the character herself will not have a great deal of backstory or narrative so does not require a great deal of detail in her physical form. I need to develop the face a little further as although her face will not be visible for her side view, therefore will not require any animation, it still needs a something else to it to make her look more characterized. After that I need to proceed with animating the character using Blenders rig to create her walk cycle.